How To Be Intuitive: The Art

c3 - CopySometimes, a person’s instincts take charge of them. They act on these instincts without need of any reasoning or explanations. Some call it a hunch, some call it their sixth sense, some call it a gut feeling, and some even say it’s just their imagination. It is in fact all of these things, and it is their intuition. This word is derived from ‘intueri’, which is Latin for ‘to look inside’. Imagination is power. It is more valuable than knowledge. Knowing how to be intuitive is a very important skill that needs to be honed in every individual.

In many cases one’s intuitive thinking is opposed to a rational point of view. Their rational mind calculates and thinks and conjures its idea of what is the right thing to do. But sometimes, there is a voice in their head opposing their rational thought process, and trying to guide them in the right direction. While this voice is inbuilt in each and every one human being, it is often that one forgets to listen, or simply is not aware of how to tap into it.

People are usually left wondering how to be intuitive. One major technique that is fool proof is meditation. Yoga and meditation are excellent tools to build and strengthen one’s intuition. In today’s day and age, people are so busy that there are always a million different things on everyone’s minds. While clearing the mind may initially seem like a very hard task, it grants a person immediate access to their inner voice and conscience.

If meditation seems to be a very hard task, the best option would be intuitive life coaching. There are many academies, coaching centers, and individual coaches that empower people, helping them tap into their instincts. They train people to realize which intuitive senses are the strongest, and use activities to enhance their abilities. Once you learn how to be intuitive, strategic decision-making becomes a breeze.

For strategic decision-making, it is very important to be able to combine your intuition and your rationality to come up with the best c4 - Copypossible outcome. At every point of life, it is one’s choices that shape their future. When stuck in a dilemma, one may sometimes get a ‘nagging feeling’ that one particular choice is right. It is very often that this feeling is right, even though at the time, one may not be able to come up with a reasonable explanation for it. Intuition in decision-making goes a long way in helping people build the right future for themselves.

Over time, with practice, once one knows how to be intuitive, it will be an effortless job, which will come to the person naturally. Intuition should not be mistaken for emotion. Emotion may affect a person’s ability to tap into their conscience, but it does not affect the message that the conscience is sending out. It is deeper than common sense, and it is not irrational. It is a complex subject, but once understood, it will be the most powerful tool in one’s life.

Helpful site!!!

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